

The rules on speed limits and penalties for those who do not comply with them are basically laid down in Article 142 of the Highway Code; in addition, in some cases, points are also deducted pursuant to Article 126 bis of the Highway Code.

The Directives of the Minister of the Interior Prot. no. 300/A/10307/09/144/5/20/3 of 14/08/2009 (Maroni Directive) and Prot. no. 300/A/5620/17/144/5/20/3 of 21/07/2017 (Minniti Directive) defined specific operational instructions for road accident prevention activities through the control of speed limits by means of special remote control devices.

Article 4 of Decree Law 121 of 2002 converted with amendments by Law 168/02 states, inter alia, that these systems can be used by the traffic police on both main extra-urban roads and secondary extra-urban roads.

The installation of the systems on secondary extra-urban roads must take place on stretches identified by special decree of the Prefect.

The speed detection devices installed have been approved by executive decrees of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.